Thursday, February 21, 2013

Playing the Hand You're Dealt

Nick found this on the BBC the other day. His reaction was, "If she can do this, you should have no worries about me being a dentist with one eye."

Click here to meet someone awesome:

< >


Thursday, February 14, 2013

It's February 14th Again.

Two years ago today I nearly lost the love of my life.

SO happy he's still by my side.

♥♥ sigh ♥♥


Friday, February 8, 2013

Something Fishy Here

"So are you two being allergic to anything?" Vincent the Belgian Chef asked in his thick French accent. We told him no.

"Good. Good. Anything you don't like?"

Knowing Nick would be reluctant to say anything, I helped out by mentioning he doesn't eat seafood.

"No seafood?! Hmm. Ok ok. No problem. I want you to be happy. No seafood. But you eat fish, of course?"


"Uh, yes. Fish is fine." Que? My husband feeling okay?

Vincent left our bungalow and we busted up laughing.

"You're so going to be eating fish tonight. Ha!"

The 4ft long barracuda was still swimming not far from our bungalow at this point...

Looking out from the bed. The front half of the bungalow was open and all we heard at night was the rhythm of the waves.

Loved the bar area. We had lunch with Vincent, two more Belgians and a Dutch couple. The conversation flowed between French, Dutch and English - and no one missed a beat. Really made me miss travelling.

Super fun evening with the Dutch couple, feeding bananas to the night monkeys who came to visit, laughing, and enjoying an amazing meal of superbly prepared,
very fresh, barracuda.
We even shut down the bar, which meant blowing out the candles before we headed to sleep.

Someone had beat us to the bed though.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Don't Stand Still in the Jungle


Fire ants. The bite that keeps on biting.

With snakes, small crocs (caimans) and other creepy crawlies reportedly residing in the lush forest by our bungalow, I was watching my step very carefully... so when I wanted to scout the trees above for sloths or something equally cool, I stopped walking to look up. It took about four seconds for the fire ants to pounce on the fresh meat.

The trail was beautiful and felt extra jungle-y because of the stone statues--made of genuine Styrofoam--left over from Survivor (which has been filmed in Panama numerous times), so we didn't really mind that the red frogs and caimans seemed to have been voted off the island.

We emerged from the thicket and headed toward the pier that led to our bungalow when I froze--my voice mid-sentence and my leg mid-air--as I nearly tripped over a three-toed sloth. It's the coolest thing I've ever almost stepped on.

And quite possibly the cutest.

He came to a complete stop--which was not much slower than his full speed--to pose for a photo.

How awesome.

The bungalow didn't suck too much either.