For the first two months his broken teeth were exposing nerves that couldn't be fixed until he could open his broken jaw. Now that he can do that and the dentists can get in there, it's exposing deeper issues. He's now got a bunch of temporary crowns, but the molar with the new root canal was originally cracked vertically, and the two month delay allowed infection to creep into the tooth and, they fear, his jaw. This is not good news. He's on antibiotics and says he feels a difference, so fingers crossed they're working. Normally Nick doesn't even take aspirin, so when I see him obeying doctor's orders to take pain meds I know it's bad.
He spent many more hours with Courtney and has seen the root canal specialist five times so far (he's the one currently monitoring the infection) so he's getting there: about halfway done with his teeth.
As for his hand, at least we know one of the reasons it's still hurting: There's a small spot on his wrist that was slivered in the crash, and in the months since, the ligaments attached to it have pulled it outward like a little V. The hand doc said to leave it for another six weeks and if it's still an issue, he'll go in and cut off the protruding piece of bone. Why he needs to wait six weeks I don't know, because as far as I can tell that bone isn't going to pull itself - against the will of the ligament - back into place. Maybe the idea is Nick will just get used to the pain? In any case, it seems to be somewhat fixable.
His eye isn't fixable, but the way it currently looks is. Looks, that is, not looks. :) One week from today he'll be getting the prosthesis, the front part that looks like an eye. (Stay tuned for before and after pix...)
Taking time to smell the roses...
After reading Corinne and Francoise's comments (below), I had to laugh when I passed the window this afternoon and saw this:
After reading Corinne and Francoise's comments (below), I had to laugh when I passed the window this afternoon and saw this: