Making our way west, we found ourselves in a lush, relaxing B&B - the owner pointing out our hammocks in the garden before delivering mango daiquiris. As we strolled the long stretch of beach, we cut through the all-inclusive resort to get to the local shop on the dusty road - seasoned travellers that we are and all - to get sunblock there instead of at the boutique gouging the north Americans currently in a dance line, learning the Macarena by the pool.
"19 bucks for sunblock? Sorry, that´s too high."
"Espera," as he pulls out his calculator. "17 dollares, preco final."
We explained it was still too pricey and made to leave, and he says in Spanish, "But wait! We have Abuelo rum. Only $7.10 a bottle. How about that instead?"
ha! Que?
Ended up in the boutique. Paid 17 bucks for sunblock that didn´t work and got the rest of us burned.
So much to learn...