Monday, June 8, 2015

Bikes & Snow & Fun & Friends

For the fourth year in a row, I was given an Iron Horse Bicycle Classic bib number right before the race. (Bike race from Durango to Silverton.) One of these years I'm going to have to plan or train or something, whether I've registered or not. That said, I think even if I had trained I wouldn't have been able to keep up with the unicycle I saw ahead of me at one point and never passed.

That was Memorial Day weekend (May 23rd), the proverbial kick-off to summer, but somehow it was more a welcoming back of winter. This is what it looked like going over Molas pass:

Look who was there to watch us head back to Durango:

The next day Nicolas, Cayenne, Acacia and I drove from Durango to Silverton (the more normal way to do it) to meet Shane and his kids Keegan and Anikah at our friends Mike and Kim's hundred year old house they let us borrow. The plan was to climb Handies, Cayenne's last 14er, but the crazy storms dumped loads of snow on the mountains, so instead we just hung out in this wonderful mining town and threw snow balls at each other.

 The kids thought this was a way better use of time.

Can you see Acacia?

Let's see... climb a mountain in the snow, or buy matching hot pink sweatshirts...?

His small school break over, this was Nick's last day in Durango before heading back to Phoenix. He was sad to leave, but excited to start his third year because now he gets to work on patients. 

Look out, Arizona!