Wednesday, January 6, 2016

2016... WHAT?! *sigh* Time sucks

Sunday, Jan 3rd:

Thanksgiving in Tubac and Christmas in Durango and New Year's Eve in Ridgway and New Year's Day in Telluride and it was all wonderful, but now it's time to face the music. On the clock radio. Tomorrow at 6:15AM.


Tubac, you ask? Yep. South of Tucson, near Arizona's border with Mexico, is Ilona & Michel's new hometown. A colourful, artsy, golfy village, it was Arizona's first European settlement, in 1752. I took this shot on a crisp morning run.

And this is why I run. Non-stop culinary awesomeness!

Not everyone is as excited to go running as Mom
(which is not very excited to begin with), but the girls were good sports and ran the Thanksgiving Day Tubac Turkey Trot (5km) with me. 
(Am I the only one who can't say Turkey Trot 
without thinking of holiday fowl with gastrointestinal issues?)

As soon as we got home it was time for the next holiday.

We hung the stockings and decorated the tree...

...went bough hunting with Jeanette (and Molly), got all the lights hung outside while it was still warmish, and then... poof!


 I love fairy lights.

And then look who came back for a visit: Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater.
Only this time he dined on the pyracantha.

Ilona & Michel visited as well and got sucked right into the festivities as quickly and surely as our newspaper into our snowblower...

 'Twas the night before Christmas...

Check out this stunning platter/bowl from Sophie!

For New Year's we drove one of my favourite circles in the world:

From Durango...

... to Molas Pass...

... to Silverton...

... to Red Mountain Pass...

... to Ouray...

and then Ridgway where we celebrated the Eve with Shane & Friends.

We continued the circle on New Year's Day to Telluride, where we spent most of the daylight hours on the slopes...

... and then back to Durango. Awesome!!

But now it's Jan 3rd and the alarm is going to ring at 6:15AM. 
