Saturday, July 12, 2014

Roof Repair 101

Thump... thump... thump...

The wind was howling, screaming through open windows; the trees bowing in supplication. All the stuff we'd moved outside to clean red dust off was blowing around the garden. And it was loud.

Yet through all the sudden mayhem, that one regular thumping noise sounded wrong. By the time I noticed it, Acacia and Nick were on it. The roof had a few loose screws and now was as good a time as any to repair it:

First, grab a drill and rope up. You on one end, your 11 yr old on the other.

Then, make like a monkey.

Call down to make sure your 85 lb 11 yr old has tied herself to a tree.

Finally, while on the opposite side of the house, yell all instructions to Cayenne, reading in the hammock between two ponderosas, who then relays the messages to Acacia, tied to an aspen.

And this, my friends, is how you repair a roof when you have a few screws loose.





  1. nothing surprises me anymore in your corner of the world ;-)

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    Roof Repair
