Hi Cayenne,
Thank you for joining us in the Herald newsroom this week. I am sorry I missed saying goodbye to you this afternoon. I wished that I had been able to sit with you more to make sure you were getting what you wanted out of your internship. The challenging part about being the top editor is that I have to attend a lot of meetings, which mostly happened to be during your hours here. But please know that you are welcome to follow up with any questions you have or if you want to visit us again. I’d be happy to tell you about how much journalism has changed over the 27 years I have been a journalist. It’s a lot!
I cannot express how impressive your writing is for your age. If you pursue a career as a writer, whether it’s in journalism or some other medium, you have a very bright future ahead of you. I have no doubt you will excel wherever you land.
Good luck with your school presentation about your internship. I hope your classmates find it to be interesting and that they learn a lot about the Herald.
Good luck with your future!

Amy Maestas
Senior editor
Now that's a class act.
Amazing letter ! Amazing boss (I want the same ! who could write me such letter !) and of course… amazing Cayenne. Congratulations for your article, it was a sad subject but you succeeded in finding the right tone to make a memory for the people you met.