Saturday, December 19, 2015

What it's all about

My Mom loves Christmas and she always made it truly the most wonderful time of the year - not through over-the-top presents under the tree because, for the most part, our gifts were of the crayons, glue and socks variety. It was the candles burning and branches perched over the paintings, the smell of baking, all the treats, traditions and lights in the windows that made my bedroom glow at night. 

It was so cozy we didn't want to be anywhere else in the world.

It was only as an adult that I truly understood how much work was involved in making that happen for us because she always had as much fun as we did. 

I've been working a lot—I sold 26 houses this year (31 sides)—and it would've been soooo easy to skimp on the decorations...

... but that would be missing the whole point.

Because what am I working for?


I'm working so we can continue providing the kind of life for our girls that Nicolas and I were so fortunate to have had growing up. And only working, all the time, is not the memories I want to create for our squids. 

(Isn't this pretty?)

So even if it means spending days decorating and working at my job until midnight after the girls go to bed so we can play games by the fire, it's worth it—because they're not just decorations, they're memories.

And that's what it's all about.


  1. You did good. You're a great mom. ;)

    I can't believe that you have a pyracantha plant up here. Unless I'm mis-recognizing it. Didn't know they grew at this altitude.

  2. Bravo pour ce message Kim ... que je partage, tout est affaire de souvenirs et de mémoires ! Nous venons de passer Noël tous réunis autour de Sam, nous avons eu la chance d'avoir tous les cousins présents ... Il ne manquait que ceux des Etats-Unis !
    Vous avez bien de la chance d'avoir de la neige : ici nous sommes en plein printemps avec des températures très douces l'après-midi, on en oublie les manteaux !
    Joyeux Noël à vous tous, bises de la famille française, nous pensons bien fort à vous !

  3. Bon anniversaire, cousin ...
    Que cette nouvelle année t'apporte sagesse et calme, je crois que Kim en a parfois un peu besoin !!
    Mais ne change pas trop, on t'aime comme ça !
