Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Three quarters of a century ago in the verdant flatlands of Freisland, a little girl was born who would become my mother. Seventy-five is young compared to Pat, but I'm learning what you fit into life has nothing to do with numbers.

(Truth be told my Mom would hate this photo because her hair isn't done as she used to do it. But I love the way it captures her happiness. I look at it and can hear her laugh.)

My father brought her a dozen roses today, as he's done on her birthday for more than 50 years, and a cake which was enjoyed by 30 people at her home.

I know my mother would not have chosen to be unaware she was turning 75. But I feel sure she is aware the person who comes to see her every day loves her deeply.

Happy Birthday, Mom! ♥



  1. Happy Birthday Mrs Jellema & Happy Living in Love to mr. Jellema - ♥ Puss & Kram Kim ♥ Hannabnana

  2. You have the same smile and joy in your eyes than she has, Kim !

  3. I was thinking of your mum yesterday morning and remembering when she came to visit you in London. Love Gill xox

  4. Happy Birthday Mrs J.!!! Kim, I have the utmost respect for both of your parents. I'm so fond of them. I often look back on the great conversations your mum and I had over a cup of tea at her kitchen table in D.D.O. And I miss her sweet ribs over steamed rice!! Peace friend, Veronica

  5. Happy birthday tante Akke! Nice pictures.... I think your dad looks more and more like mine... they are real brothers! Amazing!
