The British have a less-than-eloquent expression for describing someone who's blubberingly drunk: Pissed as a newt. And while I'm not sure if newts like to party that hard, I know for a fact I would never name my child Newt. What were the Gingriches thinking?
Especially as people have a tendency to live up to their names: Our Acacia loves to climb trees; Cayenne is our chef; and a newt is a slimy salamander.
This occurred to me last night during a political discussion over dinner with friends. We were talking about Newt's ex-wife's revelation that he'd asked permission to have an open marriage. That doesn't make him slimy. It was a private conversation with his spouse in which he admitted to being monogamously challenged (something she should have known, come of think of it, seeing as she was having an affair with him while he was married to his first wife. But I digress.). Whatever the issue, it was a personal one between him and his wife.
But then it was pointed out that Newt (whose full name is Newton - to be fair - but still, this is America which means the name was guaranteed to be chopped) led the charge to have Clinton impeached, while he was having an extramarital affair himself.
Now that's slimy.
Just sayin'.
OMG! that is too funny...ever since I can remember him on the political scene I always thought who could ever name their kid Newt!! What a hoot, and I totally agree with your sentiment. Well said vecina!