Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Madness, I tell you


It stopped my heart for a second. But then I heard the rumbling of the garbage can being jostled across the garage floor and thrust against the wall and figured that it had finally happened: Nick's monocular vision had failed him in close quarters. He's said all along that driving's easy - and flying even easier - but that parking in a tight space can be an issue. Thing is he hasn't even brushed the side of a car thus far, so this rather violent collision didn't make sense...

...until I opened the garage door and saw Acacia in the driver's seat. And Nick hanging into the passenger side window with his fingers still gripping the hand-brake. And both of them looking at me sheepishly.

Practice makes perfect and all that, but eight years old? driving the car into the garage? a car with manual transmission?


Unlike Nick's brain, which the Idaho doctors assured me was not - I repeat, not - damaged, the snow blower now has the impression of the front of a BMW in its side. Nick says it still works, but I think he said that just to diffuse the situation. I just shook my head. No words for this one! Mostly I was glad I'd had nothing to do with it.

The Beemer hasn't seen this much excitement since the day Cayenne decided to spray paint black polka dots on the hood, to make it look prettier.

Who are these people?

1 comment:

  1. There is a story of that kind in Calvin and Hobbes. I remember the tiger saying to Calvin "your parents probably didn't expect you to break their car before you were 16". But Calvin wasn't helped by his father !! Nick is the person who made us discover that comics long time ago. Maybe you should make him read them again… 
    Maybe you should attach them and lock them in a cupboard… 
