Monday, June 25, 2012

Shock & Awe

For Cayenne's 11th birthday, Acacia and I decided to redecorate her room and add a desk, as my goal this year was to help her feel like the middle-schooler she almost is.

Ten hours later Acacia was asleep on her feet, encouraging me not to go to bed before we replaced the doors on Cayenne's and my bedrooms. She was a rock star. The desk would not leave the master bedroom without removing the door, to which the scratches in said door will attest. Whoops.

Was it only ten hours? Felt like more. Turns out our episode of Extreme Makeover was actually one from Hoarders. 


During Operation Shock & Awe, which lasted until midnight, I was annoyed, exasperated and deeply disappointed. I seriously worried about how I was going to present this gift with a glad heart. But the pure joy in my not-so-little-anymore girl when she saw her new grown-up room was magnificent. 

The new desk is in the left-hand corner just out of the photo. This was taken at midnight! Acacia could barely lift her arms after helping me move all that solid oak furniture - Nick's set from when he was a boy.

Today we went bowling, tucked into the triple chocolate cake Acacia and I baked yesterday and enjoyed dinner at the Grandparents' place by their pond.

It's so hot and dry right now - the Four Corners is surrounded by wildfires -
I felt as though just walking outside with these little flames was going to ignite the actual air!

This is the moment she realized her grandparents had given her
her first computer, for middle school.
See? He really is just a lap dog.
Satcho reveled in the a/c chez les grandparents...

Cayenne was so happy today. So so happy. It almost made me forget the visions I'd had of running away to a grass hut on the beach, my only belonging a sarong, my only decision what curry to have for dinner.... But this wasn't about me. It was about giving Cayenne a leg-up into this next phase of her evolving self, and using the state of her room as a lesson in respect.

Taken on a recent hike with her Papa.

Happy Birthday, my Pearl. The world is your oyster!


   Happy Anniversary, Mom & Dad!!


  1. Love her room - want a carpet like her s - you did an awesome job.. they're getting old.. are we?? naaaahhhhh ♥ B'nana

  2. Cayenne is a very lucky bunny. Well done you and Acacia! In fact, I'm almost tempted to say "good job". Almost.... ;)

    g x
