Thursday, June 14, 2012


What: A summer sunset family party
Why: To celebrate summer
When: Friday June 8th, 5pm - ?
Includes: Music, dinner, dessert and a beautiful sunset
Dress: Summery

Our latest invitation into Cayenne's World. She cooked dinner, laid out a blanket and we enjoyed our supper sitting on the grass overlooking the mountains. Bliss.

Less blissy was the growing fire we were witnessing climbing up those mountains. We'd been tracking it for about an hour by the time we sat down, and were watching helicopters dump 95 gallon buckets of water over it. It's the 10th anniversary of Durango's Missionary Ridge fire - an inferno that consumed 72,962 acres - so the town takes these things seriously. Our firemen were on it like ants at a picnic.

View from dinner

The triangle is water pouring out of the bucket

Actually, the fire raging near Fort Collins right now started on June 9th, same as Missionary Ridge. That one was started by lightening - or rather, by Mother Nature rejuvenating herself. Normally I would say let it burn itself out, but when it's so close to people, it's scary stuff.

Speaking of which, we are heading out at the crack-o-dawn to climb the first 14er of the season, so I'd better go pack up and then pack it in.

But I'll be back!


Happy Birthday Ilona!

Congratulations to my wonderful friend Ann Cobb who became a Grandmother today. WooHoo!

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