Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Grin and Bear it

There's nothing I could've done even if I could've done something which I couldn't because it all happened so quickly I didn't have time to breathe.

But in the flash between Acacia's blood-curdling scream, my looking out the upstairs picture window down into the courtyard, seeing Acacia sprinting into the house and a bear bounding out the archway - my heart  beat only once. Then it raced like I'd downed a pitcher of coffee.

Acacia had walked across the courtyard to pick an apple off the tree when she and a large bear realized they were sharing the path. The small, not long path. Then, in what has now morphed into a comical scene in my memory, they both stopped, saw each other and ran in opposite directions, equally petrified of each other.

No photos this time.  :)

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