Friday, November 22, 2013

How Many Calories Does Housecleaning Burn Again??

Daddy's coming home today! WooHoo! Can't wait!

He's arriving at 11:25 P.M. so there's time - in between dealing with clients - to dust, tidy and vacuum, clean the kitchen and bathrooms, sweep out the garage, rake the leaves, pick up the girls from school, bring them to gymnastics, then go grocery shopping and prep dinner before picking them back up...

Text from Daddy: "We're right on time. See you at 2:25 P.M.!"

Oh shit.

My phone had been ringing all morning and I'd spent hours talking clients off the ledge - while dusting and wiping out sinks and any other silent chore I could manage.

You know how when you're cleaning or fixing something, it has to get worse before it gets better? Well I was at the worse stage when Nick's message came in.

At times like these you find out exactly how productive you can be in 30 minutes!


Nick's now been home for two weeks already (in-between-semester break), which is why I haven't been writing. These days it's too rare that I get to spend an evening just hanging out and chatting with my husband. The girls are loving having him around but aren't thrilled about doubling the number of parental eyes in the house. ha!

Ahhhhh! Did I just say that? Unintentional! Ha! Too funny. Okay, so the girls are not too thrilled about the number of parental eyes in the house increasing by 50%.  :)

Although, truth be told, even with one eye he notices more than I do most of the time, so maybe I was right the first time....

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