Tuesday, November 3, 2015

All Hallows' Eve

"Mom, if we wait any longer to get pumpkins, Halloween will be over."

Huh? It's already the end of October??

Must be good Mom.

Must get pumpkins before November.

So we did. Success.

Daphne from Scooby Doo

Acacia and Kate were even in the Durango Herald:

Halloween costume creation: What’s your formula?

Invention, expression guide trick-or-treaters

Friends Kate Zarlingo, 13, left, and Acacia Cofman, 13, will be Nerds for Halloween. The Mountain Middle School classmates are making their costume. “When you make them, it’s more fun,” said Kate, who is the daughter of Alison and Mike Zarlingo. Acacia is the daughter of Kim and Nicolas Cofman.Enlarge photo
Steve Lewis/Durango Herald
Friends Kate Zarlingo, 13, left, and Acacia Cofman, 13, will be Nerds for Halloween. The Mountain Middle School classmates are making their costume. “When you make them, it’s more fun,” said Kate, who is the daughter of Alison and Mike Zarlingo. Acacia is the daughter of Kim and Nicolas Cofman.

Acacia Cofman, 13, left, and Kate Zarlingo, 13, create their own Halloween costumes Saturday at Kate’s house.Enlarge photo
Steve Lewis/Durango Herald
Acacia Cofman, 13, left, and Kate Zarlingo, 13, create their own Halloween costumes Saturday at Kate’s house.
Acacia Cofman, 13, and Kate Zarlingo, 13, create their own Halloween costumes on Saturday at Kate’s house.Enlarge photo
Steve Lewis/Durango Herald

And then on the way home from showing houses all day on November 2nd I remembered I hadn't taken photos of the girls' pumpkins. 


Must do that.

So I pulled into the driveway and lookie who got to the pumpkins first.





  1. Pro tip: leave Xmas tree up till July.

  2. You're an incredible mom. You forgot to mention that you put three houses under contract, while showing up to flip burgers for a gymnastics fundraiser...all with a smile on your face! You go

  3. LOL - Love your Halloween teens

  4. LOL - Love your Halloween teens
